HABIT HACK (FOOD FREEDOM): Why You Should Sit Down to Eat as a Busy Working Mom

Many times we are so busy we don’t have time to eat (or forget to) or we’re eating while standing at the counter, right?!?  I know I have done that too.  You're so hangry that you eat whatever you can get your hands on as quickly as possible or you don't have time to take forever preparing and eating the meal. There are numerous reasons us as busy working moms don't sit down to eat, but there are many benefits to slowing down, sitting down and enjoying a meal!  **We cover this more in depth in the Food Freedom Habits Accelerator. Here are the top reasons to sit down to eat!

In the last episode of the free HABIT HACKING MASTERCLASS, I actually cover my top food freedom time habits to help you overcome this! 

The masterclass is now live now through the 24th only and it’s completely free!  I’ve brought together best experts on time to give you a streamlined, easy to listen to podcast series about making time for your healthy habits!  These contributors have a servant’s heart and they get you! The strategies are top notch and we’ll be sharing more about the bundle everyone has contributed to as well that will be available later this month.  In the meantime, go listen! Go listen now for free before it goes away!




-Access the secret podcast ATOMIC HABITS FOR WOMEN

-Get my most popular tracker from the shop, the ULTIMATE HABIT TRACKER!

-Access my signature program, the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR

-CHECK OUT THE FREEBIE VAULT!: Access habit tools, self care checklist, ingredient meal tips, free workouts and more! 



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