Episode 233: Nothing Magical Happens on January 1st! 3 Ways You Can Realistically Make Your Habits Stick in The New Year

Guess what?  Nothing magical happens on January 1st!  You might have super high motivation and lots of big plans, but 80% of new year resolutions fizzle out by mid-February!  Instead of overwhelming yourself and trying to do it all (hence, why women have to do habits differently!) So today I'm going to share 3 tips to help you realistically make your healthy habits stick in the new year!

Want to learn the atomic habit hacking system for women?  Get the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR POD COURSE and make your habits finally stick!



-Access my signature program, the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR POD COURSE!

-Access the secret podcast ATOMIC HABITS FOR WOMEN

-CHECK OUT THE FREEBIE VAULT!: Access habit tools, self care checklist, ingredient meal tips, free workouts and more! 



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